iDRAC 7 and Java 8 Connection Failed Easy Work-a-round

There is an older Dell PowerEdge (“PE”) R720xd; it comes equipped with the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (“iDRAC7”) Enterprise. The iDRAC has recently been provided a network connection and upon any attempt at launching the console from the Virtual Console Preview, it quickly resulted in the Connection failed messages. This guide will demonstrate how to download and install…

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Micropolis Game – SimCity OpenSource

Throughout the years, Maxis SimCity has evolved from version 1.x for DOS to Windows (2013).  Somewhere along the way, Maxis SimCity lost its way with SimCity (2013), but I won’t hold that against them.  The go to version has always been the original SimCity for DOS. With programs like DOSBox, this game is still a capable game.  It has its…

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Automated Scripted Install of WordPress on CentOS8/RHEL8 Linux

I have written a couple of installation scripts to install WordPress throughout the years.  This is the latest in that series to install WordPress 5 on a minimal install of CentOS8. Among the differences between this script and previous ones, is that this will be installed in it’s own directory /wordpress rather than /. Basically, write the script as seen below,…

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Install Atlassian Bitbucket on CentOS 8

Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian, for source code and development projects that use either Mercurial or Git revision control systems. This is one of several products in this arena along the likes of Gitlab and Github. This is one way to script out a quick installation on a minimal install of CentOS 8….

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How to install Spacewalk on CentOS 7

There are many articles on this subject, but you need to read many articles to complete a successful Spacewalk installation.  There are fewer articles that tackle Spacewalk beyond the installation.  Hopefully, this will fill in some of those blanks. What it is. Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. Spacewalk is the upstream community project from which the…

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CentOS 7 vs CentOS 8 differences

I have had several of my scripts break, that had worked on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7, when applying them to CentOS 8.  Here are a couple of examples and their fixes. curl A script inspired by 802.1x in Lion for Macbook Air needing AD domain authentication and a script on GitHub contained a line similar to the following. # curl…

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Gitlab: Reset Your root Password

You may find yourself in front of a Gitlab install and completely forgot the password.  The following method works flawlessly, so I haven’t changed any of the steps. To reset your root password, first log into your server with root privileges. Start a Ruby on Rails console with this command: gitlab-rails console -e production Wait until the console has loaded….

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Fios Network Extender WCB3000N

Over the years, I have tried several options shy of wiring the house from one end to the other with Cat6. A couple of options were discussed here. A different option that had never occurred to me until recently is the use of the Fios Network Extender WCB3000N. It was worth the risk at only $16.19 on Amazon, but will…

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Y2K20 Problem?

eBay will send some sort of notification of an auction that is about to end.  The results are usually something that is about to end within the next several hours or so.  However, for auctions that are ending near the year 2020, this has been the latest result.  8742h 9m 7s remaining.  Wow.  By the way, this auction has already…

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iPhone Sucks! Another Reason

As a user of Windows and Linux desktop and server operating systems and a user for Android phones, I find it particularly annoying to have to figure out a problem on an iPhone.  A little background.  Someone I know became an iPhone user several years back because they wanted a stable phone with good support, battery life, and ease of…

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Install AWX or Ansible Tower without Docker on CentOS7

Ansible Tower (formerly ‘AWX’) is a web-based solution that makes Ansible even more easy to use for IT teams of all kinds. It’s designed to be the hub for all of your automation tasks. Installation There are quite a few good scripts that are already circulating around. This script resolves a few issues with the others I have seen.  I…

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Install duo client on CentOS

DUO is a self-described “easy-to-use” two-factor authentication method that protects access to federated cloud and on-premises applications and servers.  DUO offers several pricing plans and a free tier.  The free tier is quite generous providing dual factor authentication to up to 10 users.   This article assumes that you have created a DUO account, logged into the admin dashboard and ready…

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Install Apache Tomcat 9 Complete with Updated Scripts

In this exercise, Tomcat 9 will be installed with OpenJDK 8 using a self-signed certificate using the http2.Http2Protocol protocol.  I’ve updated and simplified the script since my last attempt at a similar Tomcat 9 installation.  I have also added SELinux context, log rotation, and speed! Enjoy Tomcat Screenshot from an earlier version, but the end result is the same.

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MySQL Plugin FEDERATED is disabled resolution

MySQL 5.6.xx  logs may contain a “Note” message that the “Plugin ‘FEDERATED’ is disabled.” The plugin has been available since MySQL 5.0.3 and is a storage engine that accesses data in tables of remote databases rather than local tables. There is a resolution to this. Log Entries 2019-11-12 21:52:18 2338 [Note] Plugin ‘FEDERATED’ is disabled. Resolution Then edit the my.cnf…

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MySQL RSA private key file not found resolution

MySQL 5.6  logs may contain a “Note” message that the RSA private key file not found … and [s]ome authentication plugins will not work. There is a resolution to this. Log Entries 2019-11-12 21:22:15 897 [Note] RSA private key file not found: /var/lib/mysql//private_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work. 2019-11-12 21:22:15 897 [Note] RSA public key file not found: /var/lib/mysql//public_key.pem….

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Thin Provisioned Logical Volumes

One virtual machine for some unknown reason is utilizing thin provisioned logical volumes.  This one virtual machine is the only one in a series of virtual machines.  In any case, I didn’t understand what it meant to have a system running thin provisioned logical volumes until it crashed and I couldn’t revive it.  Fortunately, there was a snapshot that the…

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Sudo Flaw Permits Restricted Root Runas Access

Sudo Flaw Permits Restricted Root Runas Access.  sudo configured to allow a user run commands as another user with the ALL keyword using the runas command specifying the user ID -1 or 4294967295 can run commands as root even when explicitly disallowed.  The PAM session will not run for the command.  This vulnerability is assigned as CVE-2019-14287 and affects sudo…

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