How to repair an mp4 video

There is an mp4 video that will play flawlessly in some applications and not others. Using the tools of ffmpeg, I was able to determine the problem and remove it. By executing the following command, the problem(s) became easily identifiable. The truncated results of the output are below. This is the first and last line of the output. Recreate the…

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Fix trust relationship between workstation and primary domain

The following solution worked on a Microsoft Windows 10 Professional workstation. You can reset the computer password using the PowerShell cmdlet Reset-ComputerMachinePassword. This is the fastest and most convenient way to reset the password of a computer and doesn’t require reboot. Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server DomainServer -Credential DomainName\UserName To test a trust relationship use Test-ComputerSecureChannel. Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Verbose You can also repair secure…

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rsync on ESXi 7 produces rekeyed outbound cipher messages that fill the screen

While using rsync on ESXi 7 to copy files and directories from one ESXi datastore to another remote ESXi datastore, the screen fills with “rekeyed outbound cipher rekeyed inbound cipher” messages about every 10 seconds. There is a way to fix this. There is a setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config that I commented out and changed to RekeyLimit default none. Restart the…

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rsync on ESXi 7

While using the built in scp command to copy files from one ESXi datastore to another on another ESXi, I realized this was cumbersome. A quick Internet search revealed that someone compiled rsync for ESXi many years ago and that it does work on ESXi 6.5 and also tested successfully on ESXi 7.0. I wanted to build to the latest…

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Delete a Windows Recovery Partition via CLI

The Windows Recovery Partition always seem to be at the end of the drive. This makes it nearly impossible without a third-party utility to expand the disk space. I don’t recall ever a time where I needed to access this partition. I don’t know why Microsoft in their infinite wisdom did not incorporate this functionality in their Disk Management utility….

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Zabbix: Python3 script to export all Templates to individual XML files

By default, Zabbix permits the export of all templates, but what if I wanted to download all the templates as individual XML files. Someone wrote a fantastic python script to export all Zabbix templates to individual XML files, seven years before I needed to use it. A lot has changed in seven years. Zabbix versions to Python versions. This script…

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Update to Windows 11 Breaks Mozilla Firefox

Since Microsoft in their infinite wisdom insists on push the masses into their “flagship” Windows 11 by no longer offering Windows 10 licenses from their site (although still possible to purchase elsewhere), where Windows 10 is supported until 2025, I started to test Windows 10 latest to Windows 11 latest upgrades. The goal is to see if anything breaks, before…

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Install ffmpeg on Rocky Linux 8

There are several guides that I followed in attempts to install ffmpeg without success. There were issues with the incorrect cases of the names, like using PowerTools instead of powertools or leaving out much needed repos to make it possible to install. This guide will install ffmpeg on a Rocky Linux 8 linux machine. Install The following commands will install…

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Git Clone Fails

Git clone fails with fatal unexpected and invalid messages. The git repository is over 1GB and there is a work-a-round that made it possible to finally clone the repository successfully. Error Suggestions Some sites suggested using SSH clone rather than http. That wasn’t an option. Another suggesting using git debugging to diagnose the problem. This wasn’t very helpful. Resolution Execute…

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Rocky 9: Failed to start Switch Root [Resolved]

Rocky 9 installed relatively easily on Proxmox using host as the processor of choice. Even the dnf update to Rocky 9.1 went as smooth as anticipated until the reboot. The system simply did not want to boot into the new Rocky 9.1 kernel. I tweaked every setting that I could without success. A boot back to the Rocky 9.0 kernel…

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QNAP NAS RAMDisk Full [Resolved]

A problem that has been lingering around for over 10 years and does not seem to hold a resolution other than rebooting the QNAP is resolved, well at least for my particular situation.  Even on a fairly modern TS-1273AU-RP QNAP this problem persists. This QNAP has only one application installed, everything else is removed that can be removed.  Those apps…

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dnf Module yaml error: Unexpected key in data

While applying recent updates to a server running Rocky Linux 8, an error presented itself. The solution turned out to be a simple one. Update the libmodulemd first to correct the problem then perform the dnf updates as usual. For a detailed explanation as to the cause of this problem. This is caused by DNF which explicitly strictly validates modulemd-v2…

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Rocky Linux to Microsoft WSL 2

Assumption, you have WSL 1 installed.  You want to upgrade to WSL 2 but get a “WSL 2 requires an update to its kernel component.” error. Source(s)

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Install Updated Linux Utilities on QNAP

There are several extremely useful commands that I frequent.  These include, tar, find, and rsync. On the QNAP, these are much older versions and or dumbed down which negative impacts the capabilities of each of these tools.  There is a cure, Entware_1.03std.qpkg.  This article is a basic overview of how to install the desired tools. Download Go to qnapclub and…

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Upgrade Windows 10 21H1 to 21H2 (KB5003791)

It seems that the official Microsoft position to upgrading to 21H2 from 21H1 is to refresh the Windows Update page. I haven’t seen any evidence of that of being a viable solution. It is obvious that there is a KB associated with the update but it seemed difficult to track down. Updates Not only has the appropriate KB been tracked…

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SSLRobot Proxy Warning Resolution

A fantastic little utility called SSLRobot is a TLS/SSL checking tool that differentiates itself from other tools by checking locally installed root CA certificates (Windows or MacOS) to support servers that use custom in-house generated SSL certificates. I wanted to test a known website … this one.  Just type in the name and hit Go. An Overall Grade A+ was…

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UFS Explorer Data Recovery to Recover Data from Buffalo LinkStation NAS

A Buffalo LinkStation Pro Duo Network Attached Storage (NAS) – LS-WVL/E recently developed a problem where one of the drives had failed. The symptoms indicated that it was a drive, with the clicking sound and the red light for the drive as a fail. A replacement drive did not resolve the problem. After several other tests, it turned out that…

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