Remove Windows 200x Domain Controller from AD in DSRMode

While in DS restore mode open up regedit and navigate to khey_local_machine/system/currentcontrolset/control/productoptions. Change the product type from lanmannt to servernt. Reboot into windows normally. The machine now thinks it’s a member server. Disjoin from the domain, reboot, and do a DC Promo up to a dummy domain. Make sure it’s pointed to itself for DNS resolution, it will aks you…

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Enable Multiple Remote Desktops in XP & MCE 2005 Simplified

Simplified (Tested Successfully) Note: Use Google to find the file. termsrv.dll – 215,552 bytes 5.1.2600.2055 (xpsp_sp2_beta1.031215-1745) Backup original termsrv.dll by renaming c:\windows\system32\dllcache\termsrv.dll to termsrv.dll.bak Copy termsrv.dll to c:\windows\system32\dllcache Copy termsrv.dll to c:\windows\system32\ Open Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and add the following dword values: Note: MaxInstanceCount can be adjusted to fit individual requirements. Reboot

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Enable Multiple Remote Desktops in XP & MCE 2005 Full

Restart your computer in Safe Mode Turn off/disable Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) and Terminal Services Right click My Computer and click Properties Click on the Remote tab at the top of the window UNCHECK the box next to, “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer“ Click OK Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services Find…

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Video Card Drivers not compatible with MCE 2005

After building a Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005 computer, it is quickly discovered that the video card does not have any compatible drivers.  The next obvious option is to use regular Microsoft Windows XP drivers.  Once installed, one may encounter serious incompatibility issues as it relates to DirectX 9 and Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005 will only operate in “safe…

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Video Card Drivers not compatible with MCE 2005 #2

If the video card driver is outdated and no longer supported by the manufacturer, the following website offers tweaked drivers for gamers and enhusiasts. One such driver updated a 2001 driver to a modified 6/2006 driver and MCE 2005 functioned as it should. Go to the downloads section.

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How to remove paragraph mark from Outlook messages?

Problem Copied something into an email and it turned on formatting when reply or create new email messages. Resolution Create a new email message. Go to Tools -> Options -> View tab. Look in Formatting marks and uncheck any and all boxes. Click OK. Done.

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Hot to enable a Symantec Antivirus LiveUpdate that is grayed out

We have had several computers that were recently reloaded that had the Symantec Antivirus LiveUpdate grayed out or locked out.  This may be as a result of a group policy or policy pushed through the Symantec server, however, there is an easy fix for this.  To re-enable Symantec LiveUpdate using the following code and regedit. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00…

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Change Registered Information for Microsoft Office 2003

There are more than one valid reasons for doing this. In one case, a company buys out another company. The assets exchange possession and you want to re brand the applications to reflect company ownership. Here is how. Using regedit, edit the registry for the following keys. Be certain that there is a 00 between each letter. Windows Registry Editor…

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GPResult.exe Returns Error Message or No Result

If GPResult.exe Returns Error Message or No Result, I found this little script that intended to resolve the problem and worked for me. At command prompt, execute the following: net stop winmgmt c: cd %systemroot%\system32\wbem rd /S /Q repository regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\scecli.dll regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\userenv.dll mofcomp cimwin32.mof mofcomp cimwin32.mfl mofcomp rsop.mof mofcomp rsop.mfl for /f %%s in (‘dir /b /s…

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Query Adobe Acrobat 7.x using LANDesk

Adobe Acrobat 7 cannot be queried as ACROBAT.EXE as the file size remains the same. The results will be inconclusive. ACROBAT.DLL, however, changes. Update the LDAppl3.Template file to add .DLL to ScanExtentions. Go to LANDesk Management Suite, Software License Monitoring, and Make Available to Clients. To create the query use: “Computer”.”Software”.”Package”.”File Name” = “ACROBAT.DLL” Add a column using “Computer”.”Software”.”Package”.”Version”

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WinZip 9.0 SR1 repack for silent installation

Create a WinZip 9.0 SR1 repack for silent installation. Requirements Solution SetupWinZip.cmd :: Make Folder MD “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” :: Copy Files to Installation Folder copy /y EXAMPLE.ZIP “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y FILE_ID.DIZ “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y LICENSE.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y ORDER.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y README.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y VENDOR.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y WHATSNEW.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y WINZIP.CHM “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy /y WINZIP.TXT “%PROGRAMFILES%\Winzip” copy…

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eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware Corporate Edition 5.x Redistribution (Custom)

PestPatrol is an anti-malware product, designed to protect a computer system against threats such as adware, spyware and viruses. It performs automated scans of a system’s hard disks, Windows registry and other crucial system areas, and enabled manual scans for specific threats, selected from a very long list of known malicious software The goal is to create a custom eTrust…

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Change Managed installation to UnManaged Symantec Antivirus

Situation You performed a managed installation of the Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 8.x or 9.x client. You want to convert this to an unmanaged installation instead. Solution Copy the GRC.DAT file to the client that you want unmanaged. Cut and paste the following into a text file called GRC.DAT and copy the GRC.DAT file to: Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 8.x…

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How to determine if Wireless is enabled and active using LANDesk

I called tech support, and was told that it was not possible to determine if wireless is enabled and active via LANDesk; however, I figured out a solution and it worked. I created the following query. “Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”Active” = “Yes” AND (“Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”File Description” = “Intel(r) PRO/Wireless LAN Driver” OR (“Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”File Description” = “Intel(r) Wireless LAN…

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How to determine if Wireless is enabled using LANDesk

I called tech support, and was told that it was not possible to determine if wireless is enabled and active via LANDesk; however, I figured out a solution and it worked. I created the following query. “Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”Link Status” = “Connected” AND (“Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”File Description” = “Intel(r) PRO/Wireless LAN Driver” OR (“Computer”.”Network Adapters”.”Network Adapter”.”File Description” = “Intel(r) Wireless…

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Create a 7zip Self Extractor (7zS.sfx or 7z.sfx)

One of easiest silent installations that most anyone can create utilize two free software products. 7-Zip ( and Resource Hacker (  Many of the silent installations that are created and found on this site are created using the 7zip compression.  To make a self-extracting silent installation, the utility, Resource Hacker, will need to be applied against the 7z.sfx file. In…

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