Creative Labs Stock Price as a result of Daniel_K

I discovered this annoying forum from within Creative Labs. The subject is Daniel_K please apologize to Creative. The opening argument contends that the stock market value of Creative has been adversely effected by Daniel_K, personally. This is completely false.

The opening argument

I think it would be best if you made an apology. The fact of the matter is that you have caused a lot of damage to their stock prices. A lot of executives are paid by stock – you are directly taking food from the mouth of their children.

The facts do not support the argument.
Interestingly enough, I had some difficulty finding Creative Technology, Ltd.  As I had anticipated to find it on Nasdaq.  I discovered that Creative Technology, Ltd. no longer traded on Nasdaq as a result of their own delisting.  An announcement was made by Creative Technology on January 28, 2003 to move Creative Technology Ltd. (Nasdaq: CREAF) to Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). From Sep. 2007 onwards, Creative Technology has only been listed on the SGX-ST.

A link to Creative Technology is available on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”)website. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Creative Technology will be available.

creative labs

Back to the original contention. The forum post by Phil O’Shaughnessy attacking Daniel_K (also available on this site) was made Friday, March 28, 2008. The stock opened at 6.38 and closed at 6.25. The price has managed to maintain a value over 6.00 and as of Monday, April 7, 2008, the stock opened at 6.12 and closed at 6.16. There is no evidence that would even suggest that the criticism by Phil O’Shaughnessy not Daniel_K had any adverse effect on their stock. As can be seen by the Creative Technology Ltd. time line, they are doing fine on their own destroying the value of their company.