Tag: IE7

It is possible to remove IE7 from an XP SP3 upgrade

There are too many articles that claim that after installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Internet Explorer 7 may not be uninstalled. This however is not entirely accurate. It is not possible to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 after applying SP3 to an installation that already has Internet Explorer 7 installed. However, it is possible to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 if it…

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Internet Explorer 8 Beta RunOnce Removal

  Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta   Version: 8.0.6001.17184IS   Update Versions: Beta . . Issue Internet Explorer 8 Beta has it’s own version of the annoying RunOnce, however, this one is a pop-up and is not yet too annoying. There is no reasonable explanation as to the purpose of this link. After the RunOnce executes, notice that Microsoft…

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Internet Explorer 7 Registry Tweaks

Internet Explorer 7 features a few changes to the interface that vere away from the “classic” look. Here are a few registry tweaks that will make the IE7 look and feel appear more like the traditional IE6 layout. Internet Explorer 7.0 Registry Tweaks and Customizations Standard toolbar in default position with search Standard Toolbar Above Address Bar Move the standard…

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Internet Explorer 7 Gold RunOnce Removal

Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 Version: 7.0.5730.11CO Update Versions: 0 Version: 7.0.5730.13IS (confirmed working) Issue The annoying Runonce linking to runonce.msn.com/runonce2.aspx either fails to start or you do not want it to start. There is no reasonable explanation as to the purpose of this link. All settings may be changed within the installation of itself without linking to Microsoft. I…

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