Analog 6.0 to 6.1 Update to support Vista, MCE, others.

Analog 6.0 to 6.1 Update
Support added for Windows Vista and other Windows operating systems

Analog is an application that analyzes web server log files and organizes the results into a well organized and detailed report. Analog is customizable which will impact the level of detail of the report. A typical report will contain General Summary, Monthly Report, Operating System Report, among others.

Analog is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License, published by the Free Software Foundation.

Analog 6.0 Homepage | Downloads

Since there have been many versions of Windows in the past couple of years, the current reporting mechanism offers “Unknown Windows” more often than desired.

I spent many hours trying to find an updated compiled executable and finally gave up. I have read through the few news groups of speculated source changes. I am not a programmer, however, I made a change to the source code similar to those proposed source changes by adding a few lines of code and removing a line of code to tree.c. Then recompiled the executable analog.exe. After many tests, below are screenshots of the result of those efforts.

The change is Unknown Windows now reflects Windows Vista. I changed the version number to 6.1.

Analog 6.0 for Windows

Analog 6.0 for Windows
analog.exe 531,453 bytes 12/19/2004

Analog 6.1 for Windows

Analog 6.1 for Windows
analog.exe 413,696 bytes 11/27/2006

Analog 6.1 for Windows
Version 6.1

  Analog 6.1 (version 1) (209.9 KiB, 4,917 hits)

After I got the hang of this, I tweaked the code further to include other variations of Windows. I used different log files, hence the different results.

Analog 6.1+ for Windows
Version 6.1

  Analog 6.1 (version 2) (197.4 KiB, 4,827 hits)

Added Support for Windows Vista
Added Support for Windows Media Center Edition 2004
Added Support for Windows Media Center Edition 2005 (combined)
Added Support for Windows Server 2003 SP1
Added Support for Windows XP SP2

The zipfile contains the recompiled analog.exe executable and the source code that was changed. Consider this as an update. You must first install the original Analog 6.0 from the author’s homepage and copy analog.exe over the original analog.exe. Update complete. The source is provided under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License and to show the changes that were made. To recompile the code, the full source is also provided by the author’s homepage.


Analog 6.1+
analog.exe 413,696 bytes 11/28/2006

Tweaked it further for the various versions of Windows XP MCE 2005

Analog 6.1++ for Windows
Version 6.1

  Analog 6.1 (version 3) (197.5 KiB, 5,333 hits)

Added Support for Windows Vista
Added Support for Windows Media Center Edition 2004
Added Support for Windows Media Center Edition 2005 (versions)
Added Support for Windows Server 2003 SP1
Added Support for Windows XP SP2

The zipfile contains the recompiled analog.exe executable and the source code that was changed. Consider this as an update. You must first install the original Analog 6.0 from the author’s homepage and copy analog.exe over the original analog.exe. Update complete. The source is provided under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License and to show the changes that were made. To recompile the code, the full source is also provided by the author’s homepage.

Analog 6.1 ++

Analog 6.1++
analog.exe 413,696 bytes 11/28/2006

Disclaimers: I am not a programmer, I made changes to the source code that I believe to provide the desired results. I offer this software with the desire that it may be beneficial to someone other than myself. This software is not offered with any warranty or implied warranty. Since I am not a programmer, nor have I ever offered software prior to this, I hope that the layout and change history is sufficient for the most of you whom may discover this product.