Tag: audit2allow

SELinux: Compile a policy package

You have generated a SELinux human readable .te file and want to compile it into a .pp policy file. Prerequisites Only needed for sealert yum install setroubleshoot-server Troubleshooting This is a series of commands used to troubleshoot a recent zabbix-server service that would not start. It was the results of the ausearch that revealed the semodule command that differed from…

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audit2allow error and explanation.

While troubleshooting some SELinux enforcement related issues using audit2allow, an ERROR message presented itself. After some research, a logical explanation was presented. The following error is an implication that there were no avc denials in the /var/log/uadit/audit.log and that the generated module was empty. That response was satisfactory and also correct for this situation. However, when running an all inclusive…

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