INNO Setup is a free installer for Windows programs available at JRSoftware. There is no official unpacker – the only method of getting the files out of the self-extracting executable is to run it. An open source utility called innounp.exe is maintained at Sourceforge. Sourceforge has maintained version 0.19 online for over a year, however, 0.20 also exists from Sourceforge, if you know the link. With the introduction of INNO Setup version 5.2.3, the existing versions of innounp have proven to be unsucessful. I recently discovered that another version of innounp.exe exists and is maintained by ..:: LeecherMods ::.. .
This is a list of files available with the version 0.23 (Build: 080824) download. There are two files, one is a text file in Chinese with the revision history, the other is the executable, innounp.exe also in Chinese, however, does work in the English environment just fine.

The execution of innounp.exe will display a this help screen.

Changelog, from (Build:080318)
Version 0.23 (Build :080824) FINAL (tracky, cwx)
fix: adopt amendments to outside. Bin file can not unpack issues
add: Roles enhanced
Version 0.23 (Build :080808)
add: New show Password Hash, Password Slat value.
Version 0.23 (Build :080625)
fix: -R parameter to amend a package solution
Version 0.23 (Build :080318)
improvement: access to the password function
Version 0.23 (Build :080313)
update: to unpack version Inno Setup 5.2.3
Innounp, the INNO Setup Unpacker Downloads
Version 0.19 supports INNO 3.0.0-beta through 5.1.10
Version 0.20 supports INNO through 5.2.2
Version 0.23 (Build: 080318) supports INNO through 5.2.3 (Chinese)
Version 0.23 (Build: 080824) supports INNO through 5.2.3 (Chinese)