I have modified a WordPress the Internet 1.0 theme to better appeal to my layout. I have found several themes that follow different paths. I modified code from several sources and created my variation of the original template offered by solucija.com. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at modifying a WordPress theme so some of the code is a little sloppy.
Change Log
1.3 (October 7, 2011)
MD5: B4F2E61D838F865AC85B8CAE49332975
- Tested on WordPress 3.2.1.
- Added support for WP Page Numbers plugin.
- Added a 404 Error page.
- Consolidated redundant code.
- Added more functions to functions.php.
- Remove WP Version
- Remove some formatting
- Added thumbnail support introduced by WordPress 2.9.
- Removed link to Del.ico.us.
- Removed link to Digg.
- Added link to Facebook.
- Added link to Twitter.
- Fixed some coding errors.
it Wordpress Theme (Version 1.3) (60.6 KiB, 1,370 hits)
1.2 (March 24, 2008) Initial Release
MD5: 6EB6D0B5E895F74F4A33D237C8E1AE81
- Tested on WordPress 2.3.3.
- Reworked with valid XHTML.
- Repaced “Auto” with “Posted by”.
- Switched navigation positions.
- Added support for in CSS blockqoutes.
- Consolidated redundant code.
- Added Dynamic Sidebar support.
- Added support for WP-Email plugin.
- Added support for WP-PageNavi plugin.
- Added support for WP-PostRatings plugin.
- Added support for WP-Print plugin.
it Wordpress Theme (Version 1.2) (57.9 KiB, 4,635 hits)
Previous Versions
- Internet Sharing Template
- Internet 1.0 / 1.1 WordPress Theme
- iSharing WordPress Theme