There are several extremely useful commands that I frequent. These include, tar, find, and rsync. On the QNAP, these are much older versions and or dumbed down which negative impacts the capabilities of each of these tools. There is a cure, Entware_1.03std.qpkg. This article is a basic overview of how to install the desired tools.
Go to qnapclub and search for Entware-3x-Std.

Go to My Qnap and search for Entware-3x-Std. (updated 10/24/2024)
Install QNAP Package
From your QNAP, go to App Center to install manually.
Install Utility
Go to the bin.
cd /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Entware/bin
Type in command to install iPerf3 or desired app.
./opkg install iperf3 ./opkg install find ./opkg install tar