Bash Script Execution Timer


Suppose you wanted to determine the length of time it took to complete the execution of a bash script. Rather than sitting in front of the computer and estimating the time elapsed by watching the script execute with a stopwatch, it can be done with a few lines of code.

Near the top of the script add the following variable which defines the start time.

res1=$(date +%s.%N)

At the bottom of the script add the following variable which defines the end time.

res2=$(date +%s.%N)
printf "Elapsed: %.2F\n" $(echo "$res2 - $res1"|bc )

An example script may look like this.


# Timer Start
res1=$(date +%s.%N)

# The script

# Timer Stop
res2=$(date +%s.%N)
printf "Elapsed:    %.2F\n"  $(echo "$res2 - $res1"|bc )
